Young Adults
J.O.Y. Timers
Young Adults

King's Daughters

King's Daughters' mission is to extend the hands and feet of Jesus to love and nurture the women of today. We are a ministry designed for women 18 years and older. KD meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 PM and is a time filled with food, fellowship, worship and a word. Childcare (through age 8) is provided during our meeting. 

Leader: Angie Barrela

Second floor, main building

Monday Bible Study

This ministry is on hold in this season


Building. Forever. Friendships... We are a ministry designed for women to connect with one another outside of Sundays and Wednesdays. We were created with a desire to have relationships with each other and B.F.F. is a place where we feel more like family.


We meet on the first Saturyday of every other month from 10 AM to 2 PM. Our time is filled with fellowship, crafts, and food! Daycare is provided. We can't wait for you to be one of our B.F.F.s!

Leader: Barbara Smith

Nelson Hall, main building

J.O.Y. Timers
