At Elim Church, we value doing life alongside other believers. One way we do that is through our smaller classes every Sunday morning. We have something for every age group and every stage of life! Please join us Sunday at 10 AM for our Sunday School hour and check out what you can be a part of!
Don't worry, we didn't forget our little ones! We have classes for each age group. Check out the Kids page to see what Sunday School classes we have available for them.
¿Quieres algo en español? También tenemos escuela dominical para nuestro ministerio español. Visite nuestra página del ministerio en español!
Our youth Sunday School class is designed for students 7th through 12th grade. We prioritize teaching our young generation how to cultivate their relationship with Christ, enabling them to become the kaleo, or the "chosen ones" in Greek.
Leaders: Rachael Kurien
Second floor of the main building
220 Kaleo is taught by Rachael Kurien. Over the years, she has taught numerous students through the obstacles of being a teenager. Come join us and get to know our 220 family. We'll see you Sunday morning!
Welcome to "adulting"! It's a weird place to be sometimes... not a teenager, but not your parents either. Join us for our young adults Sunday School class where we talk through how to live a life worthy of the gospel in today's ever-changing culture.
You'll find an incredible mix of young adults that are doing amazing things for the kingdom. We're all about community and serving one another and the church.
Leaders: Juan & Nikki Medina
First floor of the Nelson Hall wing, by the Nursery
Our Discipleship class covers the fundamentals of faith that are useful for everyone, no matter where they may be on their spiritual journey. For a seasoned Christian this class is a great refresher. For others, it might introduce some new topics you never knew about. For new believers, this class will allow you to think deeply about the fundamentals of following Jesus.
Leader: Robin Thac
Nelson Hall, main building
Biblical Principles is a thriving and growing class that teaches the values found in the Bible in depth. We want to help others grow in their relationship with Christ and other people. We often have open discussions on every subject we study. Come and get rooted in the word of God, so you can build your life on His principles!
Leader: Brother Josh Ramirez
Nelson Hall, main building
Our Heart & Soul class focuses on studying the Word of God together so that we might become the mature and well-equipped Christians God calls us to be. Please join us during a Sunday morning, get aquainted with other Elim folk, and grab some free kolaches and donuts! All ages are welcome!
Leader: Barbara Smith
Upper Room, 2nd floor of the main building
In our Blessed Women Sunday School class, we spend time learning from other women and their faith experiences, as well as study the Bible. Women from all walks of life are welcome. We can't wait for you to learn and grow in the Lord with us. See you Sunday!
Leader: Mary Walker
Singles Building, across the street
Men's small group is one of our ministries at Elim Church that digs deep into God's word while getting to connect with other men in similar or different life stages. All are welcome! We love sharing how God has transformed our lives and bringing new people into our family here.
Along with our Sunday morning class, the Men's Small Group also meets every Monday night at 8 PM in the Family building across the street. Come join us and find friends and believers to do life with!
Second floor of main building